
LaVida – the latest product in the group of flexible floor coverings, combining several special advantages that make it sets new standards in comfort, aesthetics and fashion. By gluing the liner with fluffy polyester nonwoven fabric, better sound and thermal insulation parameters were obtained, which translates into much better noise suppression properties and energy savings.

Greenline Beskidy Oak 008/605-12
Greenline Estate Oak 060/640-10
Greenline Gambel Oak 091/601-10
Greenline Hunter Oak 031/638-08
Greenline Hunter Oak 043/638-09
Greenline Javorina 042/531-09
Greenline Legend Oak 030/642-08
Greenline Legend Oak 040/642-09
Greenline Ohrid Oak 061/591-01
Greenline Prato 032/644-05
Greenline Prato 092/644-03
Greenline Prato 095/644-04
Greenline Sand Oak 040/641-02
Greenline Sand Oak 047/641-03


Bonus- the most popular heterogeneous resilient floor covering with total thickness 1,3mm produced on fiberglass with transparent wear layer 0,15mm. This product combines good quality with affordable price. It is designed for the residential interiors. A wide range of designs can adapt it to any interior.

Avery 020/ 571-02
Bando 051/ 482-02
Beskidy Oak 038/ 605-04
Beskidy Oak 050/ 605-01
Bitumin 091/ 580-02
Bonus Cordelia 090/646-01
Bonus Estate Oak 049/640-02
Bonus Eviana 090/645-01
Bonus Hugo 063/511-17
Bonus Hunter Oak 048/638-01
Bonus Legend Oak 031/642-02
Elvas 073/ 636-01
Elvas 094/ 636-02
Eva 030/ 461-04
Ferlo 030/ 409-06
Hugo 060/ 511-03
Hugo 090/ 511-16
Javorina 040/ 531-01
Ladoga Oak 060/ 562-01
Native Oak 050/ 622-03
Pedrera 081/ 635-01
Regina 090/ 604-01
Skadar 032/ 516-02

Maxima Eko

Maxima Eko – economical and comfortable floor covering with total thickness 2,5mm and wear layer 0,15mm. A resilient PVC foam used as under layer of Maxima Eko provides good insulation properties and increase the comfort of usage. According to the latest design trends it suits perfectly to the interiors like bedrooms, dining rooms, kitchens and living rooms.

Avery 038/ 571-04
Bando 051/ 482-02
Boreal 060/ 611-01
Boreal 094/ 611-04
Chapel Oak 036/ 632-02
Chapel Oak 044/ 632-01
Dallas 081/ 581-02
Dallas 090/ 581-01
Harper 030/ 553-01
Jackson 065/ 633-01
Jasmund 090/ 570-02
Ladoga Oak 010/ 562-03
Ladoga Oak 033/ 562-02
Ladoga Oak 064/ 562-04
Lake Pine 030/ 590-03
Lake Pine 051/ 590-01
Lirac 008/ 631-01
Lirac 036/ 631-02
Masuira Pine 057/ 521-01
Maxima Eko Estate Oak 015/640-06
Maxima Eko Estate Oak 041/640-05
Maxima Eko Estate Oak 091/640-04
Maxima Eko Hunter Oak 019/638-03
Maxima Eko Hunter Oak 033/638-02
Maxima Eko Hunter Oak 049/638-04
Maxima Eko Hunter Oak 094/638-12
Maxima Eko Legend Oak 003/642-05
Maxima Eko Picolo 011/563-12
Maxima Eko Prato 092/644-03
Maxima Eko Sand Oak 052/641-01
Maxima Eko Venato 006-639-01
Maxima Eko Venato 094/639-04
Naomi 010/ 551-01
Native Oak 090/ 622-02
Ohrid Oak 043 / 591-02
Ohrid Oak 061/ 591-01
Picolo 088/ 563-01
Post Oak 035/ 514-11
Reina Oak 011/ 491-02
Vermont 016/ 634-01
Vermont 029/ 634-02

La Vida

LaVida – the latest product in the group of flexible floor coverings, combining several special advantages that make it sets new standards in comfort, aesthetics and fashion. By gluing the liner with fluffy polyester nonwoven fabric, better sound and thermal insulation parameters were obtained, which translates into much better noise suppression properties and energy savings.

Avery C02/ 571-02 1
Avery C03/ 571-06 1
Avery C38/ 571-04 1
Bitumin G30/ 580-05 6
Bitumin G90/ 580-01 6
Bitumin G93/ 580-03 6
Dallas C32/ 581-07 1
Dallas C81/ 581-02 1
Hugo C62/ 511-14 1
Post Oak C42/ 514-02 1
Post Oak C51/ 514-21 1
Post Oak C52/ 514-01 1


LaVida – the latest product in the group of flexible floor coverings, combining several special advantages that make it sets new standards in comfort, aesthetics and fashion. By gluing the liner with fluffy polyester nonwoven fabric, better sound and thermal insulation parameters were obtained, which translates into much better noise suppression properties and energy savings.

Beskidy Oak S09/ 605-14 S
Beskidy Oak S38/ 605-04 S
Beskidy Oak S53/ 605-13 S
Beskidy Oak S90/ 605-06 S
Gambel Oak S43/ 601-01 S
Gambel Oak S45/ 601-07 S
Jasmund S32/ 570-08 S
Jasmund S43/ 570-07 S
Jasmund S93/ 570-09 S
Ohrid Oak S32/ 591-04 S
Ohrid Oak S43/ 591-02 S
Ohrid Oak S61/ 591-01 S
Pedrera S70/ 635-04 S
Pedrera S77/ 635-03 S
Regina G90/ 604-01 6
Regina G95/ 604-04 6
Vermont S92/ 634-04 S
Vivian S61/ 606-01 S
Vivian S82/ 606-02 S


Bonus- the most popular heterogeneous resilient floor covering with total thickness 1,3mm produced on fiberglass with transparent wear layer 0,15mm. This product combines good quality with affordable price. It is designed for the residential interiors. A wide range of designs can adapt it to any interior.

Boreal S43/ 611-06 S
Boreal S55/ 611-03 S
Boreal S96/ 611-05 S
Callisto Cordelia S05/646-02
Callisto Estate Oak S43/640-01
Callisto Estate Oak S90/640-03
Callisto Hunter Oak S46/638-11
Callisto Hunter Oak S92/638-10
Callisto Legend Oak S02/642-04
Callisto Legend Oak S32/642-03
Callisto Legend Oak S35/642-16
Callisto Legend Oak S36/642-17
Callisto Legend Oak S41/642-14
Callisto Legend Oak S43/642-15
Callisto Legend Oak S45/642-01
Callisto Legend Oak S46/642-13
Callisto Prato S90/644-01
Callisto Prato S93/644-02
Callisto Venato S06/639-01
Callisto Venato S93/639-03
Callisto Venato S94/639-04
Hugo S37/ 511-17 S
Hugo S62/ 511-14 S
Jackson S32/ 633-02 S
Jackson S38/ 633-03 S
Javorina S42/ 531-09 S
Javorina S52/ 531-08 S
Javorina S93/ 531-10 S
Lirac S35/ 631-03 S
Ohrid Oak S61/ 591-01 S
Ohrid Oak S94/ 591-13 S
Pedrerea S80/ 635-02 S
Post Oak S30/ 514-24 S
Post Oak S39/ 514-23 S
Post Oak S43/ 514-22 S
Regina S92/ 604-06 S
Regina S96/ 604-05 S
Taco S30/ 602-10 S
Vermont S43/ 634-03 S

Maxima Plus

Maxima Eko – economical and comfortable floor covering with total thickness 2,5mm and wear layer 0,15mm. A resilient PVC foam used as under layer of Maxima Eko provides good insulation properties and increase the comfort of usage. According to the latest design trends it suits perfectly to the interiors like bedrooms, dining rooms, kitchens and living rooms.

Avery S30/ 571-12 S
Avery S33/ 571-11 S
Avery S36/ 571-09 S
Avery S46/ 571-08 S
Avery S93/ 571-10 S
Beskidy Oak S08/ 605-12 S
Beskidy Oak S35/ 605-11 S
Beskidy Oak S91/ 605-10 S
Beskidy Oak S95/ 605-09 S
Gambel Oak S39/ 601-09 S
Gambel Oak S91/ 601-10 S
Jasmund S34/ 570-05 S
Jasmund S36/ 570-06 S
Jasmund S96/ 570-04 S
Maxima Plus Estate Oak S95/640-09
Maxima Plus Estate Oak S61/640-07
Maxima Plus Estate Oak S92/640-08
Maxima Plus Hunter Oak S39/638-06
Maxima Plus Hunter Oak S44/638-05
Maxima Plus Legend Oak S33/642-06
Maxima Plus Legend Oak S42/642-07
Maxima Plus Venato S94/639-04
Maxima Plus Venato S98/639-05
Maximus S08/ 572-05 S
Maximus S96/ 572-06 S
Ohrid Oak S31/ 591-14 S
Ohrid Oak S43/ 591-02 S
Ohrid Oak S45/ 591-16 S
Ohrid Oak S53/ 591-15 S
Ohrid Oak S61/ 591-01 S